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General Information:

Arcadia has a mayoral form of city government with 7 elected council persons.
City Hall Angela Berg, City Clerk
203 West Main Street (608)323-3359
Arcadia, WI 54612  

Mayor John Kimmel
Electric Department Tim Putz
Water Department Jim Lisowski
Garbage Service David Kokott
Street Department David Kokott

Electric Generation 15,000 KW
Water Pumping 4 million gallons daily
Waste Water Capacity 2,117,000 gallons daily
Waste Water Treatment Aerated lagoon system
Garbage Service
Large bags $2.25 
Small  bags $1.35
1 yd dumpster $12.00
1 1/2 yd dumpster $18.00

Average Residential Costs:
Electric: $5.50 fixed charge plus $0.0601 pkh
Water: $7.50 per month fixed plus $2.28 per 1,000 gallons
Sewer: $14.00 per month fixed plus $1.10 per 1,000 gallons
Commercial: Based on usage in all three above categories

Area Parks:
Memorial Park
Klink Deer Park
Schultz Park
Fairfield Park
Tot Park
Pahl Park
Killian's Children Park