News From Sarah

January 28, 2003


Hello Arcadia-


Well it has been eight months now on this wonderful journey so far, but I thought that I would keep you up to date with what has been going on over the past two. December consisted of finishing up another semester at Eau Claire, working toward my teaching degree, and participating in the Arcadia Avenue of Lights. Some of you may have noticed a familiar face dressed up as an elf and directing the traffic at the park on opening night. Unfortunately, I had a bit of a set back during the middle of the month with the death of my loving Grandma. My family and I wish to extend a huge thank you to the Arcadia Lioness Club, the Pageant Board, and many others for your thoughtfulness, kind words, and beautiful flowers in our time of need and loss.  I miss her everyday, but with the type of love and support I received, it helped me get through this most difficult time, Thank You! 

            After enjoying the holidays, it was right back to work; and I found myself very busy during the month of January. Miss Wisconsin is approaching much faster then I anticipated and I have begun to fill out the required information sheets and personal data forms that will be sent to the state competition. Most recently, with the help of Corey’s King Studio, I was also able to send in my professional pictures to the competition board as well. Not surprising though, is the date for the Miss Arcadia Pageant. I have yet to decide if I am going to be giving up the crown (kidding), but we have begun to start practice for what should be another great production. I am looking forward to working with the girls and seeing who will be the next lucky lady to represent this fine community. I have been making a number of appearances promoting my platform as well.  On the fourteenth, I had the privilege of speaking to the 2nd, 5th, and 7th graders at the Arcadia Public School. I hope that I was able to inform both the young and the old about the dangers of Eating Disorders and help them find the self-confidence to face some of the obstacles that stand in their way as they continue to grow. On the twenty-third, I had the opportunity to make an appearance at the Chamber of Commerce meeting. I briefed them on the many opportunities I have had and will continue to have within the community. I informed them on what has been keeping me busy, but most importantly the issues I cover while promoting my platform. I also encouraged them to keep supporting the Miss Arcadia Pageant because it is definitely “the experience of a lifetime and one that every contestant should cherish”.  I continue to work hard on my talent for Miss Wisconsin as well, and make frequent trips to Eau Claire in order to perfect routine. It is not always work though, as the Lisowski family held a party for Kerry Bautch to thank him for his awesome truck, willingness to give up his time on the weekends, and his wonderful driving abilities as he pulled the Lions float with us aboard for the majority of the summer parades we attended.

As always, many of the things I mentioned would not have been possible with out a little “help from my friends”…

Ms. Johnson, thank you for all the work you have done on my pamphlet. It will be soon published and ready to hand out.

Thanks to Supreme School Supplies, for all your hard work in publishing my pamphlet and handouts.

To “Grandma Lou”, for all your hard work, sewing and stitching on my outfits for Miss Wisconsin. I know it takes time and talent, and I just want to say thank you for making me look great and even more professional. 

To Cleo, thank you for the preparations and last minute hemming on my business outfits. I know you have a huge project ahead of you, with my talent outfit, but I want to let you know I appreciate you agreeing to do it for me. I am sure it will look great!

Thanks also goes out to Kathy Lockington and the Arcadia Public School for allowing me to come to class and help promote my platform. I had loads of fun and I hope everyone is better educated on Eating Disorders.

To Corey’s King Studio, your hard work and extra hours are very much appreciated. The pictures and buttons look great. Thank you!

To all my supporters and to everyone who has purchased a button or will be in the near future, and for every business that agreed to sell my buttons, I thank you!

Thank you also to Rocky and her magnificent family. Words can’t say enough for everything you’ve done and continue to do for me! 

Last but not least, to my Mom, Dad, and sister. I know that this has been a crazy and hectic month with me being home a lot, but I want to thank you for your loving support. All of this would obviously be much harder to accomplish without you!

Talk to you all again in February.